What is it?
- A new strain of coronavirus affecting humans
- Causes illness ranging from the common cold to more severe diseases (similar to SARS)
- First identified in China in early January 2020
- There is still much information to be determined including how it is transmitted and how it spreads.
- Can range from mild illness such as a common cold to pneumonia
- Fever
- Flu like symptoms such as coughing, sore throat and headaches
- Difficulty breathing
- Personal hygiene is your best protection
- Good hand washing protocols (warm water, soap, drying of hands)
- Covering your mouth while coughing or sneezing
- Avoid contact with wild or farm animals
- If there is a suspicion of coronavirus, you need to seek medical attention.
- You MUST ring your medical provider ahead of time and advise that you have the symptoms above and may be infected. This is very important if you or anyone around you has travelled to and from China in recent times.
- DO NOT show up at a medical centre or emergency room unannounced (wherever possible) as you are potentially infecting the other people in the area including pregnant women, children and elderly.
- Call 000 if you need urgent help.
- Check the latest Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade travel advice on the Smartraveller (https://www.smartraveller.gov.au/) website
- Consult your doctor before travelling particularly with children, if you are pregnant or have a weak immune system
- Avoid the high-risk areas around Wuhan / Hubei Province
- Avoid contact with sick people
- Consider wearing a face mask in public
- Regularly wash your hands and use hand sanitiser
- Avoid touching your face and mouth after touching surfaces
- Do not have contact with animals wherever possible
- Monitor your own health and that of your family
- If you are showing any signs of illness, do not return to your workplace or school until you are cleared or treated
- Symptoms can take up to 14 days to appear