Download resources – COVID-19 business continuity plan
Emergency management and recovery plan Working from Home self assessment If you don’t have a business emergency response / continuity and recovery plan in place

Five top tips for small business against the effects of COVID-19
The COVID-19 (coronavirus) is gathering speed daily and the effects will be felt by businesses globally, and yes that potentially includes your small business too.
Novel Coronavirus Fact Sheet #4 – What’s New (16 Feb 2020)
Novel Coronavirus – #4 What’s new NOTE: This is an emerging, rapidly evolving situation and updates will be provided as information on the virus becomes

COVID-19 Fact Sheet #5 – Personal Prevention
NOTE: This is an emerging, rapidly evolving situation and updates will be provided as information on the virus becomes clearer. All information will be derived

Novel Coronavirus Fact Sheet 3: The Next Steps
NOTE: This is an emerging, rapidly evolving situation and updates will be provided as information on the virus becomes clearer. All information will be derived
Novel Coronavirus Part 2 – FAQs
NOTE: This is an emerging, rapidly evolving situation and updates will be provided as information on the virus becomes clearer. All information will be derived
What we know about Novel Coronavirus so far
What is it? A new strain of coronavirus affecting humans Causes illness ranging from the common cold to more severe diseases (similar to SARS) First

The Lesson of the Yellow Wiggle
Like so many Aussies, I’ve always been a big fan of The Wiggles (and The Cockroaches before them!) and the fun and engaging messages in
Are you willing to go to JAIL for safety breaches?
The recent changes to WHS legislation have seen the enforcement powers of Workplace Health and Safety Queensland increase to include the offence of industrial manslaughter